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SaaS oder On-Premise

Which solution is better?

SaaS or On-Premise - Which solution is better?

Although on-premise solutions are traditionally considered more reliable and secure, the growing popularity of SaaS solutions has changed the way companies view technology solutions. Both options have their pros and cons. Therefore, choosing between an on-premise solution and a SaaS solution can often be difficult, and careful consideration should be given to which solution is better suited. We explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both options to help you make the best choice for your business.

What are SaaS and on-premise solutions exactly?

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is a software deployment model where applications are provided as services over the web. This means that the software is operated by a third-party provider in a cloud infrastructure and can be accessed by customers over an internet connection without needing to install the software on their own computers or servers. SaaS solutions can be rented by customers, usually based on subscriptions, and typically offer the advantage of flexible payment models, automated updates, as well as the ability to access the software from different devices and locations.
In contrast, on-premise solutions are installed and operated locally on a company’s servers. This means that control and management of the entire IT infrastructure, including software, are entirely in the hands of the company. Unlike SaaS solutions, on-premise solutions are permanently installed in the company’s systems and require regular updates and maintenance by the company’s IT department. Therefore, on-premise solutions are usually better suited for companies that require extensive control over their IT systems or need to meet strict compliance requirements.

1. Costs

When it comes to whether a SaaS or on-premise solution is better, one of the most important factors is costs. SaaS solutions generally have lower acquisition costs than on-premise solutions because no servers, IT infrastructure, or IT personnel are required. Instead, the software is provided over the internet, and the user typically pays a monthly or annual fee for access to the software.
In contrast, an on-premise solution requires the software to be installed on the company’s servers. This means that the company is responsible for acquiring the servers, IT infrastructure, licenses, and IT personnel. This can lead to significant acquisition costs.
However, it should also be considered that the costs of an on-premise solution can still be lower in the long term than a SaaS solution. This is because SaaS solutions typically require monthly or annual fees that accumulate over time. In contrast, an on-premise solution can be used for many years after acquisition and installation without incurring further costs.
Another important cost factor is software maintenance and updates. With a SaaS solution, the company is not responsible for software maintenance and updates, as these are provided by the provider of the software. But with an on-premise solution, the company’s IT team, which operates the solution on its own servers, must perform maintenance and updates, requiring additional costs and resources.
Therefore, to choose the optimal option for your business, you should carefully weigh the size of your business, the number of users, software requirements, available resources, such as IT personnel or technical equipment, and your budget with the long-term costs of both options.

2. Customisation Options

Another important factor in deciding between a SaaS and an on-premise solution is flexibility. Customisation options for company-specific needs may be more flexible with an on-premise solution as the company has full control over the software. This allows for features to be added or removed to tailor the software to meet the requirements. Additionally, the company can also decide how it wants to deploy the software, whether it prefers a cloud-based, on-premise, or hybrid deployment.
In contrast, a SaaS solution is typically standardized and offers fewer customisation options. The provider determines which are available and how the software is deployed. While some providers allow for certain customisations, they can be expensive and often require the company to invest additional resources to make those changes.

3. Integration

Similar considerations apply when integrating software solutions into existing systems.
On-premise solutions typically offer more flexibility when integrating with existing systems. Since the solution is installed directly on the company’s servers, it may be easier to integrate it into existing processes and systems. Additionally, there are usually more opportunities for customization and extensions with on-premise solutions to enable seamless integration into existing systems.
For SaaS solutions, integration into existing systems depends on the provider’s API. However, most SaaS providers offer an open API that allows data to be exchanged between different applications and to integrate the solution into existing systems. In some cases, individual integration may be required to ensure that the solution is seamlessly integrated. One advantage of SaaS solutions, however, is that they can usually be implemented quickly, which in turn makes integration into existing systems easier. Since the solution is already available and does not require installation on the company’s systems, companies can start using the solution almost immediately.

4. Security

There is no clear answer as to which solution is better in terms of security, as both options have their security measures and risks.
With an on-premise solution, the responsibility for data security lies entirely with the company. Therefore, the company must implement adequate security measures to prevent data loss and other security issues. This includes implementing firewall systems, access controls, encryption technologies, regular backups and updates, as well as training and awareness of employees.
With SaaS solutions, the responsibility for data security lies with both the provider and the company. The provider must ensure that its systems and processes are secure and comply with industry requirements. However, the company must also ensure that it selects a reputable provider that adheres to strict security standards, such as ISO 27001 or SOC 2.
To ensure the security of data in a SaaS solution, companies should apply some best practices, such as reviewing privacy policies and agreements, reviewing the provider’s compliance certifications, using secure passwords, reviewing user activity and data access controls, as well as regular training and raising awareness among employees.
In addition, implementing multi-factor authentication can further enhance data security. Multi-factor authentication requires more than just a username and password to access data. Instead, users must perform additional authentication steps such as entering a code sent to their phone or scanning a fingerprint.
Regardless of whether a company uses a SaaS or on-premise solution, it is important to conduct regular reviews and audits to ensure that data is secure, and that the implementation of security measures is continually optimized.

5. Availability

Availability and reliability are also important factors when deciding between a SaaS and an on-premise solution. Downtime, which is the period of time when software is not available or not functioning properly, should be avoided as much as possible.
With on-premise solutions, availability and reliability depend on the quality of the hardware and network infrastructure on which the solution is running. Companies can usually take measures to minimize downtime, such as using backup systems, redundant hardware, or specialized software for monitoring and diagnosing problems.
In comparison, the availability and reliability of a SaaS solution depend on the quality of the provider’s infrastructure. Most SaaS providers therefore have redundant systems and networks as well as emergency plans to minimize downtime. Some providers even offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that guarantee a certain level of availability and reliability. As a result, SaaS solutions often have higher availability than on-premise solutions. Most SaaS providers offer availability of at least 99.9%, which means that the solution is unavailable for only a few hours per year. In contrast, on-premise solutions can be more vulnerable to downtime, especially if the hardware or network infrastructure is outdated or poorly maintained.
However, it should be noted that downtime in SaaS solutions is outside of the company’s control. If the SaaS provider has a disruption, the company cannot do anything to restore the solution. In contrast, with on-premise solutions, companies can respond directly to problems and take measures to minimize downtime.
To make the right decision for your company, you should also consider the quality of your own hardware and network infrastructure, or whether a SaaS solution has emergency plans and SLAs.

6. Scalability

There are also important differences between SaaS and on-premise solutions in terms of scalability. A SaaS solution is usually easier to scale because the provider can flexibly provide the necessary resources to meet the customer’s requirements. That means, if more user licenses or additional modules and functions are needed, they can be easily added. On-premise solutions, on the other hand, are less flexible in this regard because they require companies to manually add and configure hardware as well as software components to provide additional capacity. So, investment in hardware such as servers, storage, or network devices is required, and the installation, as well as configuration of the software, consumes time and personnel.

7. User-friendliness

Usability and user experience are also important factors in choosing between SaaS and on-premise solutions.
SaaS solutions are often easier to use and require less extensive training because they usually have a very intuitive user interface. They can be easily accessed through a web browser or mobile app and are thus accessible anywhere and anytime, whether the user is in the office or a remote office. Users do not have to worry about maintaining or updating the software because the provider takes responsibility for this.
In contrast, on-premise solutions typically require more detailed training and technical expertise to implement, maintain, and update the software. They can be less intuitive and often require multiple steps to perform a particular task. If the software is not provided by the company itself in a cloud, the availability of the software is limited to the local network. This means that users may not be able to access it from outside the company.
Furthermore, SaaS solutions usually offer a more unified user experience since all users access the same version of the software. Updates and improvements are automatically provided and available to all users. In on-premise solutions, different users may use different versions of the software, which can lead to inconsistencies in the user experience. Updates and improvements must be implemented manually, which can require additional time and resources.

8. Administration

In general, SaaS solutions are easier to manage and require less IT infrastructure than on-premise solutions. Since the provider is responsible for maintaining, updating, and securing the software as well as for the underlying infrastructure in a SaaS solution, companies do not have to worry about these things, which saves time and resources. This means that companies also need less IT infrastructure since they do not need special servers or storage to run the software. In contrast, an on-premise solution requires a more comprehensive IT infrastructure since companies have to run and manage the software on their own servers, which in turn requires more IT resources for maintaining, securing, and updating the software.

9. Upgrades

SaaS solutions are generally easier to upgrade since they are centrally managed, and updates can be automatically performed without any action required from the user. These upgrades are usually performed by an expert team from the provider, ensuring that the systems are up-to-date, and any errors are quickly resolved. In contrast, upgrading an on-premise solution usually requires manual intervention. The company’s IT department must ensure that the new software version is compatible with the existing systems and IT infrastructure. Additionally, the software must be installed and configured on the company’s own servers. This can require a lot of time and resources and may cause downtime or interruptions. Therefore, SaaS solutions are usually less prone to disruption than on-premise solutions during upgrades.

10. Compliance

Compliance requirements are crucial for companies in many industries. Both SaaS and on-premise solutions can meet compliance requirements, but there are some differences in the compliance strategies they offer.
With an on-premise solution, the company has full control over the IT infrastructure and can implement its own security measures to meet compliance requirements. This provides the company with a lot of flexibility and control. On the other hand, SaaS providers often have specialized compliance strategies to meet the requirements of various industries. These providers often have comprehensive measures in place to ensure that their solutions are secure and reliable. They also often work with independent auditing firms to test their compliance solutions and obtain certifications.
Often, SaaS providers also have more resources to meet specific compliance requirements, as they typically serve multiple customers and therefore must be prepared for a larger number of industries and requirements. This can make it easier for companies to meet compliance requirements, as they can rely on existing certifications or security measures.
However, it is important to note that the responsibility for complying with the requirements ultimately lies with the company itself, regardless of whether it chooses a SaaS or on-premise solution. The company must ensure that the chosen solution meets the requirements and that appropriate security measures are implemented to protect the data.


The decision between an on-premise or SaaS solution can be difficult for companies. Both options have their specific advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to consider your requirements and carefully weigh the various factors, such as cost, flexibility, scalability, security, integration, user-friendliness, and compliance, against each other. Which option is the better choice ultimately depends on the specific requirements and goals of your company and on which path you choose for the future of your company.

The powerful project management software myPARM is available in both versions – as SaaS and as an on-premise solution. With myPARM, you can effectively manage and monitor your projects and processes. Regardless of whether you choose the SaaS or on-premise version, myPARM offers an intuitive user interface, extensive features, and tools, as well as top-notch customer support to ensure that you can get the most out of your project management software. This way, you can make your decision based on your specific requirements and be sure that you are getting a reliable solution with myPARM. Alternatively, you can also choose an IaaS solution, where the software remains your responsibility, but we provide you with the complete infrastructure for its operation.

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