myPARM BIact
More than just Business Intelligence
Sound decision-making thanks to transparent data
Answer business-relevant questions thanks to interactive dashboards and intelligent analyses
Immediately convert findings into actions thanks to integrated control functions
Data-based decisions.
Integrated control.
myPARM BIact helps to solve business management tasks by evaluating business-relevant information and making it available in a user-friendly way. This enables you to make the best decisions for your company.
The intelligent analysis tools in interactive dashboards answer exactly the questions you ask. Reports can be displayed visually in real time at the touch of a button – in exactly the level of detail you need and from different perspectives.
With myPARM BIact, you not only maintain an overview of your data, but also immediately translate findings into actions. In this way, you can plan tasks, control them and monitor their successful implementation in the same system – from the office, but also on the move.
Please find more information in our product brochure.
Sound decisions through centralised information
Data-based decisions
Integrate myPARM BIact flexibly into your existing IT infrastructure and connect your data from different systems via various interfaces. Manually add, for example, plan, actual and qualitative data or information that is not yet available in any of your surrounding systems. These can be made available to all users, as can recorded comments.
Convert the raw data into reliable, usable information that gives you clear and up-to-date answers to all your questions. This allows you to make informed decisions and gives you more time for essential tasks.
Intelligent Analytics
Provide users with a powerful tool that makes data visible and understandable. Interactive dashboards and a report designer help you to present the data in exactly the way that is right for your purposes.
The integrated management information system, risk and opportunity analysis, as well as intelligent forecasts help you to understand the analyses.
Integrated control
Use your data analyses to translate the findings directly into operational measures. With the integrated task management, you can create, schedule and assign tasks to your employees directly in the same system. This means no system change is necessary for your management process. The comment function helps you to provide all the necessary information for this as well as to receive feedback.
myPARM BIact also has an alerting and early warning system that informs you at any time in the event of unforeseen events or limit values being exceeded, so that you can react as quickly as possible.
Provide data
Connect the system with numerous interfaces and import your data. Prepare, cleanse and combine the data in myPARM.
You can also manually add important data and comments.
to various systems
Data preparation
Manual addition of data
Analyse & visualise data
Create evaluations, analyses and forecasts for your questions in interactive dashboards. Get an overview of risks and opportunities. Visualise your evaluations in an appealing way.
Management information system
Risks & Opportunities
Visual evaluations & forecasts
Individual reports
Create reports quickly and intuitively in interactive dashboards with a wide variety of charts and instruments. With the Report Designer you can create reports in your own design and prepare them for printing or exporting in various formats.
visual evaluations
Report Designer
into different formats
Control actions
Turn the results of your analyses into action right away. Define tasks and assign them to your employees. Link these tasks to projects, risks or opportunities, for example. Set a prioritisation and monitor their execution.
Task management
Comment functions
Alerting & early warning system
In a pilot project you will receive the following from us:
Software adapted to your needs
User training
Licenses for the test period
Find out if myPARM BIact is the right software for your needs before making a final decision without taking much risk!
In a pilot project, you can find out how much effort is involved in introducing myPARM BIact in your company and how easy the software is to use. Determine which functions you need in practice and how they should be designed so that the software can then be perfectly adapted to your needs.
Implementation and hosting
The implementation time of myPARM BIact is very short.
At the same time, the training effort is minimal because the user interface is intuitively designed and the user guidance is optimised by the process control.
You want to relieve your internal IT department and avoid high investment costs? Then we also offer hosting of myPARM in the cloud.
Your benefit:
Data in a private environment either in Switzerland or Germany
Secure environment, high performance
Savings in IT staff and investment costs
Backup, data security and administrative tasks taken over by Parm
The myPARM BIact has numerous interactive dashboards with a wide variety of visual display options. Design your own dashboards, according to your needs.
Integrated control
Plan and control tasks and monitor their successful implementation
Promote collaboration through commenting functions and document management
Risk management
Optimal assessment of decisions thanks to integrated risk and opportunity management
Walter Epple | Member of Management