
The “Round the Clock Worry-Free” package for your data.


If you would like to save valuable working time and investment costs for your own IT infrastructure, we are also happy to offer you our software solutions hosted in the cloud.

Thus you can rent myPARM on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) basis. This includes the provision of the project management software on a server as well as administrative tasks such as regular data backups, updates and performance monitoring. Our data is in a Private Virtual Data Center which means that your data is in an individualised private environment.


  • Your data in a private environment in Switzerland or Germany
  • Ultra-stable environment, highest availability through cloud technology
  • Less IT employees are needed (savings up to 30%)
  • Backup, data security
  • No high investment costs are needed
  • You can concentrate on your core competencies
  • You pay only for what you actually use
  • The software is up to date at all times
  • Improved performance
  • Server availability is guaranteed at all times
  • IT resources can be adjusted dynamically to your business development
Logo swiss made software + swiss hosting

Our software can be operated locally or hosted:

ServiceOn-PremiseHosting (IaaS)SaaS/PaaS
Description- Everything provided by the customer
- Hardware and software responsibility on customer side
- Outsourcing of the hardware
- Software at customer’s responsibility
Customer receive the software functions via "socket"
SW licencesOne-time or rentedOne-time or rentedRented
- HardwareCustomerHosterParm
- InfrastructureCustomerHosterParm
- Software maintenanceCustomerCustomerParm
Stability & SecurityDepending on customer's server environmentDepending on the selected hoster and SLA (Service Level Agreement)Professional/modern data center, up to 24x7x365 management and support possible, automatic extinguishing systems, strict security guidelines, uninterruptible power supply supported by diesel generators. The storage system is redundant and backups are made regularly.
AvailabilityDepending on customer’s server and network environment Depending on the selected hoster and SLA High availability of operations, professional Tier 4 data center, availability of software functionality is guaranteed at all times
SupportDepending on customerDepending on the selected hoster and SLA Emergency number in urgent cases, desktop support 24x7x365, ticketing system, incident tracking, IT and software specialists are available within the shortest time possible
Internal IT personnelSpecialists with extensive know-how neededInternal system administrator could be usefulNo internal IT personnel needed
ScalabilityDepending on customer's server environmentIT resources are scalable in terms of business developmentIT resources are automatically scaled in dynamic mode (performance guarantee)