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Prioritizing tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix

Finding the most important tasks in a simple way

Prioritizing tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix

There are days when the daily workload seems to be overwhelming. A long to-do list, a full email inbox, and a constantly ringing phone can make you feel like you’ll never be able to finish the huge mountain of work. If you’re involved in projects on top of your daily workload, chaos can quickly ensue. That’s why in such situations, a good system is needed to structure and prioritize tasks to work through them gradually. One such solution can be the Eisenhower Matrix. It helps you to create order in this hectic world, focus on what’s essential, as well as prioritize your tasks in a way that allows you to work more productively and stress-free. We explain how you can use the Eisenhower Matrix to structure your workday and be more effective.

What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

The Eisenhower Matrix is a tool for prioritizing tasks based on a simple four-field matrix. It was developed by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was known for using his time effectively and making important decisions quickly.
The Eisenhower Matrix helps categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance by dividing them into quadrants. The idea is to first focus on important and urgent tasks. Then, you can focus on important but not urgent tasks to achieve long-term goals and avoid potential urgencies in the future.

How to create an Eisenhower Matrix?

Creating an Eisenhower Matrix is a simple process that consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Collect all pending tasks

To create an Eisenhower Matrix, you should first collect all pending tasks that are on your to-do list or calendar. Make sure to gather the tasks in one place and immediately add new tasks as they come up. This way, none of the tasks should be forgotten.

Step 2: Define criteria for prioritization

Next, you should define the criteria by which you want to prioritize your tasks. The most common criteria are “importance” and “urgency”. “Importance” refers to the significance of a task for your long-term goals, while “urgency” refers to the time available to complete a task. Alternatively, you can also set other criteria such as “complexity” or “risk”.

Step 3: Create a matrix

The next step is to create a matrix on a sheet of paper or in a spreadsheet program. This matrix is divided into four fields based on the criteria you defined. If you use the most commonly used criteria of “importance” and “urgency”, for example, the following fields are created:

Eisenhower Matrix Quadrants

Step 4: Assign tasks to the quadrants

In the next step, you assign each of your tasks to one of the four quadrants by evaluating them according to the criteria you have set. It is important, to be honest with yourself and objectively evaluate the tasks. Also, make sure to break down the tasks into individual, concrete steps to better categorize them.
In the example given above, you should ask yourself the following questions for each individual task:

  • How important is it to complete the task? Does it serve a long-term goal? Do I need to complete the task myself?
  • How urgent is the task’s completion? Will problems arise if it is not completed until a later date?

Afterwards, the tasks are divided as follows:

  • Quadrant 1 – important and urgent: Tasks in this quadrant are important for your goals and have a clear deadline or due date. Therefore, they should be completed immediately to avoid difficulties regarding the deadline.
    Examples include acute problems, crises within a project, or the completion of a project by a fixed deadline, such as when a penalty is imposed if the deadline is not met.
  • Quadrant 2 – important but not urgent: Tasks in this quadrant are important for your long-term goals or projects. They require sufficient planning and time for implementation but do not require immediate attention.
    Examples include planning for further education or career goals.
  • Quadrant 3 – urgent but not important: Tasks in this quadrant are urgent but not really important. This means they require immediate attention but do not necessarily contribute to the achievement of your long-term goals.
    Examples include checking your inbox and responding to emails, routine meetings, or creating reports that are not necessarily important for the success of your work.
  • Quadrant 4 – neither urgent nor important: Tasks that are neither urgent nor important are distractions from the actual work and are considered a waste of time. Therefore, they should be avoided to remain productive. However, it may also happen that individual tasks are currently neither urgent nor important but will be in future.
    Examples include many emails, such as irrelevant newsletters or promotional emails, scrolling through social media if you are not responsible for social media management, surfing the internet, or reading irrelevant articles.

Once the tasks are categorized into the corresponding quadrants, you can better determine your priorities in the following steps and ensure that you focus your time and energy on the tasks that are truly important and urgent.

Step 5: Prioritize tasks

Once you have assigned all tasks to their respective quadrant, it is time to prioritize them within each quadrant. Determine which tasks have the highest priority and which ones can be done later. Use the criteria you have established and consider which tasks will bring you the most benefit. As the deadline for a particular task approaches, you will usually give it a higher priority than a task for which there is more time available. On the other hand, it may also happen that a task appears more important to you, even though its deadline is further in the future. Furthermore, individual tasks may depend on each other.

Step 6: Start working

Once you have prioritized your tasks, you should start working on the most important and urgent ones. Work your way from Quadrant 1 to Quadrant 4 and complete the tasks in the order you have determined. The following recommendations can be taken into account:

  • Important and urgent: Tasks in this quadrant should be done immediately as they are urgent and important. However, it is also important to identify the causes of these tasks and try to minimize them to reduce future urgency. For example, there may be tasks that are important but that you generally put off because you don’t like doing them.
  • Important, but not urgent: Tasks in this quadrant should be prioritized and integrated into the schedule immediately to ensure that they are done before they become urgent. It is important to reserve time for planning and implementing long-term goals as well as strategic initiatives.
  • Urgent, but not important: Tasks in this quadrant should be delegated, outsourced, or automated, if possible. For example, project management software can automatically generate standard reports at specified times. If this is not possible, you can also try to postpone them to a later time to focus on more important tasks first. If that is also not possible, you should do these tasks immediately after completing the tasks in the first quadrant.
  • Not important and not urgent: Tasks in this quadrant should be eliminated or minimized as they have no priority and take away time from more important tasks. Therefore, ask yourself whether these tasks are so unimportant that they can be deleted. In some cases, it may be useful to temporarily hide these tasks and review them again, for example, after six months.

How to phrase the tasks correctly

When phrasing tasks for an Eisenhower matrix, it is important to make them specific. Avoid general or vague descriptions that can lead to confusion or misunderstandings. Here are some tips that can help you phrase your tasks:

  • Make sure that each task is clearly described and has a clear purpose.
  • Use clear and precise verbs to describe exactly what needs to be done.
  • Formulate tasks in such a way that they can be broken down into smaller, manageable steps to better determine their priority.
  • Define the time frame within which a task can be completed so that you can better schedule tasks.
  • Avoid combining multiple tasks into a single one, as this can make it difficult to properly evaluate their priority.
    An example of a well-formulated task could be: “Create a report on project progress by the end of the week.” This task is clearly formulated and has a clear deadline that allows you to assign it to the quadrants of the Eisenhower matrix.

Tips and tricks

Here are some practical tips on how to use the Eisenhower matrix in your daily work:

  • Create a daily to-do list: Use the matrix to prioritize your tasks for the day. Assign your tasks to the corresponding quadrants and start with the tasks in quadrant 1 to ensure that you complete the most urgent and important tasks first.
  • Set priorities for long-term goals: Use the matrix to prioritize your long-term goals and break them down into individual, manageable steps. Determine which steps are urgent and important, and start with these to ensure that you make progress toward achieving your goals.
  • Avoid distractions: With the help of the matrix, you can identify distractions and avoid them in the future. Tasks that you have classified in the fourth quadrant should be minimized in the future to increase your productivity.
  • Check priorities: Regularly check your priorities to make sure you are still on the right track. Over time, changes may occur that require you to adjust your priorities.
  • Delegate tasks: If you are authorized to delegate tasks, you can use the matrix to identify such tasks. This applies especially to tasks in the third quadrant.

Adaptations of the method

The Eisenhower matrix with the four quadrants described above is not helpful for everyone and in every situation. Therefore, it can be easily adapted to individual needs and work styles to work effectively and efficiently:

  • Change the criteria: The Eisenhower matrix is based on prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. However, you can use other criteria that better suit your needs, such as tasks that require a lot or only a few resources or tasks that belong to specific goals or projects.
  • Adapt the quadrants: The four quadrants of the Eisenhower matrix can also be adapted to your needs by dividing them into categories that better suit your tasks. Furthermore, you can add additional quadrants to prioritize tasks based on their time or complexity, for example.
  • Combination with other methods: It is also easy to combine the Eisenhower matrix with other time management methods to increase your productivity. For example, you can use the Pomodoro technique to complete your important and urgent tasks in intervals and take breaks between work blocks. You can also combine the Eisenhower matrix with timeboxing to schedule tasks in the second quadrant. If you find that individual tasks keep ending up in the first quadrant, even though they were initially in the second quadrant, then the Eat-That-Frog method might help you complete such tasks earlier in the future.
    Our tip: Experiment with different adaptations to find out which ones work best for you.

Application in project management

The Eisenhower Matrix can be applied in project management in various ways. Here are some examples of its application:

  • Task prioritization: Project managers can use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks for themselves and their team within a project. By categorizing tasks according to their importance and urgency, it ensures that the focus is on the most important project tasks and that they are completed within the given timeframe.
  • Risk management: The Eisenhower Matrix can also be used in the risk management of a project. The matrix can help to identify potential risks and evaluate them according to their importance and urgency so that the most urgent and important risks can be addressed immediately.
  • Project planning: It can also be used in project planning to prioritize various tasks and milestones within the project. This ensures that the focus of a project is on the aspects that are critical to its success.
  • Decision-making: The Eisenhower Matrix can also be helpful in decision-making within a project. By categorizing decision-making options into the different categories of the matrix, one can quickly and effectively decide which decisions are the most important and urgent.
  • Resource management: In addition, the Eisenhower Matrix helps to optimize the resource planning and management of a project by assigning resources to the highest-priority tasks.


  • Simple and easy to understand: The Eisenhower Matrix is a straightforward method for prioritizing tasks based on established criteria. Since it requires no resources other than possibly pen and paper, it can be applied at any time.
  • Quick to apply: Once your to-do list is established and you practiced some time to work with the Eisenhower Matrix, it will get very easy to quickly assign tasks to the different quadrants.
  • Clarity in priorities: It helps to define priorities clearly and identify tasks that are not urgent or important, to create time for more important things.
  • Effective time planning: By using the Eisenhower Matrix, you can plan your time effectively by ensuring that you complete your most important tasks first and do not waste your time on unimportant tasks. At the same time, currently, not urgent but important tasks are scheduled early so that they are neither forgotten nor become urgent at a later date. Additionally, this scheduling helps to counteract Parkinson’s Law.
  • Increased productivity: By better time planning and prioritization, the Eisenhower Matrix can improve your productivity as well as efficiency.


  • Subjectivity: The assessment of urgency and importance can be subjective since everyone has different priorities and values. So you may consider a task as unimportant, but it has a big impact on a colleague. Furthermore, you can consider a task with low priority as important or urgent if you face unpleasant consequences or expect personal benefits from completing it.
  • No gradations: The division into only four quadrants is quite rough. In some cases, it may be necessary to subdivide the quadrants to represent gradations of importance and urgency.
  • Agility: In agile work or agile project management, new tasks are continuously added or emerge from existing tasks. As a result, the importance or urgency of individual tasks can also change. In such cases, the Eisenhower matrix is only of limited use as a tool for prioritizing tasks.
  • Focus: The matrix focuses on tasks in the first quadrant. However, it can be difficult to work on such tasks all day, for example, if they are very demanding. Therefore, it may be useful to work on less important tasks in between to then continue working on the important and urgent tasks more motivated and relaxed.
  • Effort: The Eisenhower matrix can be applied very quickly. However, if you have to classify a lot of small tasks, the effort increases considerably. Therefore, it may be useful to combine tasks into larger task packages in such cases, even though this is usually not recommended.
  • Overload: If you have too many tasks in your most important quadrant, it can be difficult to complete everything within a day or a week. This can lead to stress and overload. Then, previously scheduled tasks from the second quadrant may not get done when they are scheduled. This leads to conflict or a backlog of tasks.
  • Flexibility: With the Eisenhower method, tasks are scheduled according to their priority. However, this means that the schedule has to be completely changed in the case of unforeseen events. Therefore, this method is not very flexible.


The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple but effective method for prioritizing and organizing tasks. It helps to focus on the most important tasks and ensures that they are completed within the given timeframe. With the right application, the matrix can help to use time and resources effectively as well as enable the achievement of long-term goals. However, there are also some disadvantages, such as the possible neglect of tasks that are not classified as important or urgent, as well as the lack of flexibility in unforeseen events. Therefore, it is important to consider the Eisenhower Matrix as a tool that can be adapted and used in combination with other time management methods to achieve the best results.

The project management software myPARM offers a variety of task management tools, including a to-do list and a kanban board, to help you plan, prioritize, and manage tasks. At the same time, you can easily get an overview entire projects or portfolios, so that you can also schedule future tasks and estimate the importance of tasks for project progress. Changes to tasks, their deadlines or priority can also be tracked within the system.

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