Project Management ABC: H like HERMES

Efficient projects with HERMES – The Swiss quality standard

Efficient projects with HERMES - The Swiss quality standard

The precision and reliability of a Swiss watch and the flexibility of a Swiss army knife – these symbols of excellence and innovation are known far beyond Switzerland’s borders. You will also find these qualities in HERMES, a project management method used successfully in Switzerland for decades. Developed by the Swiss Federal Administration, HERMES stands for structure, transparency, and adaptability. We explain how HERMES can manage your projects with the same precision and efficiency that has made Switzerland synonymous with quality worldwide.

What is HERMES?

The roots of HERMES go back to the 1970s, when the Swiss Federal Administration needed a method to systematically and successfully manage its IT projects. The Federal Administration then developed HERMES for planning, implementing and managing projects and optimized the method for IT and administrative projects in particular. HERMES is characterized by its modular and adaptable structure, which makes it possible to apply the method flexibly to different project sizes and types. By clearly defining phases, roles, activities and results, HERMES ensures that projects run in a structured and efficient manner.
For example, HERMES played a central role in the digitalization of the Swiss Federal Administration, the introduction of a new ERP system at SBB (Swiss Federal Railways), the introduction of electronic patient dossiers (EPD) in the Swiss healthcare system and numerous other projects in Switzerland.
Since the first version, HERMES has been continuously developed and adapted to the changing requirements of the project landscape. This continuous improvement, adaptation, and expansion makes HERMES one of the most reliable and robust methods in project management, which is used successfully today not only in public administration but also in the private sector. The current version, HERMES 2022, offers a comprehensive and flexible methodology that integrates both traditional and agile approaches to project management.

Specialties of HERMES

  • Target group: HERMES is specifically tailored to the needs of public administration and IT projects. However, the method is flexible enough to be used in other sectors, for different project types and project sizes.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: The modular structure with a variety of scenarios and modules makes it possible to adapt the method to the specific requirements of a project and to expand it. In this way, HERMES supports both classic and agile approaches. Aspects such as risk management, stakeholder management, and quality assurance are also taken into account.
  • Phase model: HERMES is based on a clear structure that divides projects into four phases: Initialization, Concept, Realization and Implementation. Each phase has specific objectives, activities and results that help to systematically control and monitor the progress of a project.
  • Roles and responsibilities: Clearly defined roles such as client, project manager and specialist are also an important part of HERMES. Each role has clearly defined tasks and responsibilities, which leads to a clear structure and assignment of responsibilities within the project team.
  • Ease of use and comprehensibility: HERMES is designed to be easy to understand and use, even for project managers who do not have extensive experience in project management methods. The clear structure, detailed instructions and ready-to-use components (e.g. modules, documentation, templates and checklists) facilitate the implementation and application of the method.

Structure and organization of HERMES

HERMES is a project management method that impresses with its structured and modular approach. It consists of six components that together provide a flexible and customizable structure:

1. Scenarios

Projects within an organization can differ greatly, for example in terms of their content or complexity. HERMES therefore offers various scenarios that correspond to typical project types, e.g. for the development of services or products, the adaptation of existing services or products, IT development, IT adaptation and organizational development. The scenarios contain all method elements that are relevant to the project. Users can select the standard scenario that suits them best and plan the project on this basis. Alternatively, they can adapt the scenarios to the needs of their organization or create individual scenarios.

2. Phases and milestones

Regardless of the scenario, the HERMES phase model forms the basis of all projects. It divides projects into four successive phases that cover the entire project life cycle.

  • Initialization: The project begins with initialization, in which the project goals are defined, the framework conditions are clarified and the decision on project approval is made.
  • Concept: The aim of the concept phase is the detailed planning and preparation of the project realization.
  • Realization: In the realization phase, the planned work is implemented and the project results are produced.
  • Introduction: The introduction phase serves the transition to the new state, in which the project results are handed over to operations and the project is completed.

There are milestones at the beginning and end of each phase, which vary depending on the scenario, such as the project initialization order, project release, phase releases or project completion. They are important control points in the course of the project at which progress and target achievement are checked. This makes them quality gates at which decisions are made about results and the next steps to be taken.

3. Modules

Modules are standardized building blocks that cover certain aspects of project management and contain thematically related tasks, results and roles, e.g. project management, quality management or risk management. The modules are assigned to phases and milestones. Each module contains instructions and templates that facilitate the implementation of the respective tasks. There are 12 modules in the HERMES standard: Project Management, Project Introduction, Project Basics. Procurement, organization, product, IT system, tests, implementation organization, IT migration, IT operations, information security and data protection. Depending on the selected scenario, some or all of these modules are used.

4. Roles

HERMES defines clear roles, their relationships and descriptions of their tasks as well as their responsibilities, the necessary competencies and skills. The minimum project organization has the roles of client, project manager and specialist. Depending on the project, additional roles such as quality manager, risk manager or test manager can be added.

5. Tasks

Tasks are used to achieve results. Therefore, there is a description for each task that defines the procedure and the necessary activities. In addition, each task is assigned to a responsible role. Thematically related tasks are grouped into modules and assigned to the project phases. According to the HERMES methodology, a distinction is made between two types of tasks: decision-making tasks, such as project acceptance or phase release, and other tasks that serve to carry out the project, of which 50 different tasks are defined in the HERMES standard.

6. Results

Results are at the heart of HERMES and can be very diverse. They are divided into 55 documents and 22 statuses. HERMES provides templates for the documents, which are processed during the project phases. Statuses, on the other hand, are points in time at which a result has been achieved. In the project, these usually correspond to the achievement of a milestone. In addition to the standard documents and statuses, company or project-specific results can also be defined.

Advantages of HERMES

  • HERMES is easy to understand and simple to use. The method provides clear instructions and templates that can also be used by project managers without extensive experience.
  • The method provides a clear project structure with defined phases, activities and results.
    Thanks to its modular structure, HERMES can be easily and flexibly adapted to the specific requirements of different projects.
  • A clear definition of roles and responsibilities within a project promotes teamwork and helps with project communication.
  • HERMES also attaches great importance to quality and risk management, which helps to identify risks at an early stage and ensure the quality of project results.
  • The continuous further development of HERMES ensures that the method is always up to date and that current best practices are integrated.

Challenges of HERMES

  • HERMES can be too extensive and complex, especially for small projects, even if the method can be adapted flexibly.
  • The clear structure and detailed specifications can also mean that the focus is more on adhering to processes than on the actual project results.
  • It can also be very time-consuming to adapt the method to the respective project. Project teams may have to invest a lot of time in selecting and adapting suitable modules and scenarios.
  • While HERMES is widely used and recognized in Switzerland, the method is less widespread internationally than PRINCE2, for example. This can be a challenge when working in international project teams that may not be as familiar with HERMES.


HERMES offers a structured, transparent and adaptable project management method that is particularly suitable for IT and administrative projects. With clearly defined phases, roles and tasks, HERMES supports project managers in managing projects efficiently and purposefully. The continuous development of the method ensures that it meets current requirements and best practices and therefore provides a reliable basis for successful projects.

For an even more effective application of HERMES, we recommend using the myPARM project management software. This solution, which is also optimized for HERMES, supports project managers in planning, implementing and monitoring their projects and enables seamless integration of the HERMES methodology. With myPARM, you can fully exploit the advantages of HERMES and lead your projects to success with maximum precision and efficiency.

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