Trends in project management 2023
These trends will accompany us this year

Rapid technological progress, digital transformation, globalisation, but also megatrends such as “New Work” present companies with numerous new challenges. This also influences project management, where the complexity of projects is growing. In order to face these constantly changing demands, project management must adapt. This results in the most important trends for the year 2023, which we would like to explore with you in this article.
1. Tailored project management methods
Do you work with agile, classic or maybe even hybrid methodologies? While the trend in recent years has been increasingly towards agile project methods, it is now becoming clear that agile project management is not the optimal solution for all projects. Rather, no two projects are alike, which means that an optimal combination of methods should be found for each project. Before the project starts, the possible approaches should therefore be weighed up so that the project can be handled in the best possible way. The Stacey Matrix, for example, can be a decision-making aid.
2. Soft Skills
It is undisputed that various soft skills have a decisive influence on successful project management. In the past, however, methodological skills were given a higher priority than social skills. This is now changing, as technical knowledge in project management can increasingly be taken over by good project management software. Therefore, the focus for project management executives is shifting more and more towards good communication, a high level of leadership competence as well as the ability to make optimal decisions. Soft skills such as conflict resolution, good teamwork, emotional intelligence and time management play a central role within a project team.
3. PMO
The Project Management Office has also been one of the most important trends in project management for several years. A PMO can take on a wide variety of tasks. For example, it can support, monitor or control project management. In the new year, however, another task of the PMO is becoming more and more important. It will be used increasingly to maintain an overview of projects and strategies and thus make decisions that support the corporate strategy. Especially in times of strongly changing framework conditions, such a PMO can be a valuable support.
You can read why a PMO makes sense and how to introduce it in your company in the article “In a few steps to a successful PMO“.
4. New working models and remote work
The needs of many employees are changing significantly. In particular, greater flexibility is required. For example, more and more employees are working at least partly remotely and new generations that are now entering the labour market have completely different ideas about their working day than older generations. They see the workplace not exclusively as a source of income, but as a place of self-realisation and self-determination. At the same time, teams often no longer consist of employees at only one location, but are distributed globally. Project managers therefore face numerous challenges in managing their team, ensuring optimal cooperation and communication. Consequently, new ways must be found to adapt project management to different working models, and flexible strategies for teamwork must be developed. You can read some tips on how to optimally deal with remote work here.
5. Change Management
Companies have to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. This also means changes in project management. It is becoming increasingly important for project managers to become proactive in order to optimise processes and adapt to changes. This requires above all flexibility, good communication and effective change management.
6. Business Intelligence
The demand and necessity for data-based decisions is also increasing in project management. This means that comprehensive analyses and simulations should support project managers in making optimal decisions for their company. A business intelligence solution that is integrated into the project management software can provide important insights for this.
7. Customised project management tools
Just as the project management environment is changing rapidly, project management tools must also be adapted to these new challenges. Standard software is therefore no longer suitable for today’s working environment, instead, project management software must be adapted to the specific needs of a company, but also of individual employees. This does not only mean that the software is integrated into the existing system landscape of a company. It is also becoming increasingly important for individual employees to have an overview of exactly the data and information they need in a dashboard in an optimally prepared form.
8. Improved resource management
In project management, it has also become increasingly difficult to find good employees in recent years. This in turn means that new challenges are being placed on resource management in the company. For example, it is important that employees are optimally utilised in order to be able to successfully complete all necessary projects. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that no one is permanently overloaded in order to prevent good employees from leaving the company for this reason or following the trend of “quiet quitting” and quitting internally. A project management software with integrated resource management as well as good soft skills of the project leader can help to keep your employees motivated and well utilised.
The world of project management is constantly changing. To ensure that your projects continue to be successful in the future, you should keep an eye on the most important trends and, where necessary, integrate them into your project management. This way you will be optimally prepared for the future.
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