A budget represents the (time-phased) cost performanceThe term used to describe the quality of the delivery and th... target for a specific effortThe number of labour units required to complete a schedule a... for the projectA temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product,... or any work breakdown structure componentAn entry in the work breakdown structure that can be at any ... or any scheduleSee project schedule and see also schedule model. The timing... activityA component of work performed during the course of a project.... It is valid to changeA change to a project’s baseline scope, cost, time or qual... the budget only if you changeA change to a project’s baseline scope, cost, time or qual... the scopeThe sum of the products, services, and results to be provide.... See also estimate[Output/Input]
A quantitative assessment of the likely am.... The resourceSkilled human resources (specific disciplines either individ... estimate[Output/Input]
A quantitative assessment of the likely am... (in money or hours) assigned for the accomplishment of a specific taskThe smallest indivisible part of an activity when it is brok... or group of tasks.