Project management ABC: M for Monte Carlo simulation

Better understand risks, manage uncertainties and make informed decisions with the help of Monte Carlo simulation

Better understand risks, manage uncertainties and make informed decisions with the help of Monte Carlo simulation

Monte Carlo simulation helps project managers to better understand uncertainties and risks and make informed decisions. This method is based on the use of probability distributions and makes it possible to simulate different scenarios to analyze the likelihood of different project outcomes. In this article, we take a look at how Monte Carlo simulation works, what advantages it offers and how it can be used in practice to manage projects more efficiently.

What is the Monte Carlo simulation?

Monte Carlo simulation is a mathematical method used to analyze uncertainties in models using random samples. This involves repeatedly generating random values within defined probability distributions for certain variables in order to simulate a large number of possible outcomes. By analyzing these simulated results, it is then possible to determine how likely the various outcomes are, even if there are numerous uncertainties. In project management, for example, possible project outcomes are simulated with variables such as time, costs or risks. This method is therefore particularly useful in situations where there are many unknowns or variables whose exact value is difficult to predict. Monte Carlo simulation was developed in the 1940s to solve complex problems in nuclear research. In particular, the Hungarian-American scientist Stanislaw Ulam and the American physicist John von Neumann contributed significantly to the development of the method while they were working on the Manhattan Project, a research project to develop the atomic bomb. The name “Monte Carlo” is derived from the famous gambling casino in the Principality of Monaco, as the method uses random processes similar to those used in games of chance to simulate results.

How the Monte Carlo simulation works

First, realistic ranges or probabilities are defined for the uncertain variables (e.g. project duration, costs).
This means that for each uncertain variable there should be at least one estimate of the best, worst and most probable value. For example, the duration of a task could be between 5 and 10 days, with the most probable duration being 7 days. In addition, it must be determined which probability distribution is appropriate for each variable. For example, the probability can follow the normal distribution of the Gaussian bell curve. This means that most values are close to the average (mean) and the values become less probable the further away from the mean. In particular, if there is no assumption as to which values are more likely, a uniform distribution can also be defined, which means that every value within the specified range is equally likely. The Monte Carlo simulation then uses random processes to create many different combinations of these variables in order to generate different scenarios and obtain a good distribution of results. So instead of having a single estimate, the method generates hundreds or thousands of possible results. This means that after the simulation you get a distribution of possible results. In project management, for example, this can be a list of project durations that show how long a project could take under different conditions. Graphically prepared, you can then clearly see how often a certain result occurs. For example, in the above example, the duration of the task could be seven days in 30 percent of cases. These results can then be interpreted and used as a basis for making decisions and avoiding risks.

Application of Monte Carlo simulation in project management

Monte Carlo simulation is used in project management to better manage uncertainties in the planning and implementation of projects. As many projects involve unpredictable factors such as time, costs and resources, this method helps to assess risks and make well-founded decisions. For example, in the following areas:

  • Scheduling: A project consists of many tasks whose exact duration is difficult to predict. Monte Carlo simulation helps to take these uncertainties into account by estimating the shortest, longest and most likely time frame for each task. By simulating many possible schedules, one can find out how likely it is that the project will be completed within a certain time frame. This enables project managers to determine buffer times and set realistic deadlines.
  • Cost management: Similar to scheduling, costs can also be difficult to predict. Monte Carlo simulation helps to simulate different cost scenarios by capturing different possible costs for each cost element (materials, personnel, etc.). The simulation gives you a better idea of the total cost of the project and allows you to make informed budget decisions. For example, you can estimate how likely it is to exceed a certain budget.
  • Risk management: Risks are present in every project, but Monte Carlo simulation can be used to better assess their impact. When certain risks occur, the simulation can show how they could affect the project time, costs or quality. This enables a more precise assessment of the risks and their potential consequences. Project managers can then take action to minimize these risks and understand which risk management strategies are most effective.

Advantages of Monte Carlo simulation

Better understanding of uncertainties: With Monte Carlo simulation, uncertainties in projects can be easily taken into account as the simulation creates a range of possible outcomes with their probabilities of occurrence. This helps to identify potential problems at an early stage.

  • Sound decision-making: Based on the scenarios and probabilities, informed decisions can be made to achieve the best possible project outcome.
  • Transparency and communication: Communication with all stakeholders is also made easier, especially when it comes to visualizing complex relationships. Graphics and probability distributions make it easier to understand risks, forecasts and decisions.
  • Flexibility with different scenarios: Running through different scenarios helps to develop alternative strategies and action plans – even before the project is launched. This means that project managers are always on the safe side during the implementation of the project.
  • Improved risk management: Simulation also helps to clearly demonstrate the probabilities and effects of potential risks. This allows risks to be better assessed and precautionary measures to be introduced.

The challenges of Monte Carlo simulation

  • Complexity of the method: Monte Carlo simulation is quite complex and therefore not necessarily easy to use. The simulation requires a good understanding of probabilities and distributions, as well as the best possible estimates, but not every project team has the necessary experts for this.
  • Dependence on accurate data: The quality of the simulation depends heavily on the input data.
    Inaccurate estimates or incorrect assumptions about probability distributions lead to erroneous results. It is therefore important to use realistic and well-founded data, which often proves difficult in practice.
  • Difficulty in interpretation: Even if the simulation provides a lot of useful information, it can be challenging to interpret and communicate the results correctly. The presentation of probabilities and risks must be well explained so that all stakeholders can understand them and make appropriate decisions based on them.
  • Time and resources required: Although the method provides valuable information, it is often time-consuming. Collecting the necessary data, carrying out the simulation and analyzing the results require additional time and resources, which is a challenge in many projects.


Monte Carlo simulation offers clear advantages and can help to reduce uncertainties and risks, especially in large, complex projects. It enables more precise and data-supported planning and improves decision-making. However, the potential benefits should be weighed against the high costs and challenges, such as complexity and the need for precise data.

Therefore, other ways of reducing uncertainties are sufficient for many projects.
Good time and cost planning, resource management, risk management and project controlling during planning and implementation make it possible to identify uncertainties at an early stage and make well-founded decisions. In addition, flexible dashboard and reporting functions, such as those offered by the project management software myPARM ProjectManagement, help to manage projects successfully and efficiently – without the need for complex simulations.

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