Agile and successful with servant leadership

The sustainable benefits of the leadership style for your team

Agile and successful with servant leadership

Whether in agile project management or in corporate management, the leadership style of servant leadership is becoming increasingly important. This approach, which prioritizes the well-being and development of employees, promotes a culture of trust and collaboration. But what exactly is behind this concept and why is it so effective, especially in agile environments? We shed light on the principles of servant leadership, its benefits for teams and companies, and also the challenges of this leadership style.

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership style that focuses on the well-being and development of employees. In contrast to traditional leadership approaches, which emphasize power and control, servant leadership is about serving the team’s needs and taking on a supportive role. This creates an environment in which a team can develop and do its work under the best possible conditions.
The term servant leadership was coined by Robert K.Greenleaf in the 1970s. In his essay “The Servant as Leader”, he described the idea that a true leader must put their team first. Greenleaf’s concept is based on the belief that such leaders lead more effectively and achieve more sustainable results, as this leadership style promotes values such as empathy, listening, foresight, and commitment to the growth of others. The term “servant leadership” sounds contradictory at first, but the aim is for such leaders to create an environment in which employees feel supported and well looked after.
Servant leadership promotes team commitment and autonomy, building a strong community and the long-term development of employees and the organization. Servant leadership is therefore becoming increasingly important, especially in complex environments that change rapidly. The value of this leadership style is particularly evident in agile project management environments, where flexibility, teamwork, and the promotion of innovation are crucial. Servant leadership can create a positive corporate culture that not only increases employee satisfaction and retention but also boosts their motivation, overall productivity, and the company’s ability to innovate.

Central principles of servant leadership

Servant leadership is based on a set of principles and values that aim to maximize the well-being of employees and the efficiency of the team.

  1. Empathy: A servant leader must be able to understand and empathize with the perspectives and feelings of team members. Through empathy, leaders can build a deeper connection with their employees and create a supportive work environment. Because an empathetic leader always assumes the best intentions of employees, they can more easily encourage them.
  2. Listening: Active listening is also a fundamental aspect of servant leadership, as servant leaders first and foremost listen to their employees to understand their needs, concerns, and ideas. This promotes open communication and strengthens understanding and trust within the team.
  3. Healing: Every employee comes into a team with their own unique experiences and habits. A servant leader who recognizes the importance of emotional and mental well-being can understand this and create an environment where employees can thrive. A healthy and supportive work environment helps employees heal from negative experiences and contributes to personal growth. This in turn has a positive impact on the team and the company.
  4. Awareness: Good self-awareness and an awareness of the dynamics within your team are crucial for a servant leader. Only if you are aware of the individual strengths and weaknesses of the team members and yourself can you lead effectively in a servant way.
  5. Persuasiveness: In contrast to authoritarian leadership, a servant leader relies on persuasiveness to motivate and guide the team. Logical arguments and inspiring visions are used in an attempt to reach a consensus with employees instead of forcing them to take action.
  6. Conceptualization: Servant leaders are also visionary thinkers who can look beyond the daily challenges, see everything from a holistic perspective, and develop long-term goals or strategies. In this way, they help the team to see the bigger picture and motivate them to work towards common goals.
  7. Foresight: A servant leader uses experience and intuition to anticipate future developments and potential challenges. By acting with foresight, the team can be better prepared for changes and risks can be minimized.
  8. Stewardship: Stewardship is the careful handling of something that has been entrusted to you. In the case of servant leadership, this means that the leader is the steward of the resources and trust placed in them. To protect the long-term interests of the team and the organization, servant leaders therefore act responsibly and ethically at all times.
  9. Commitment to the growth of people: Servant leaders actively promote the personal and professional growth of their team members. This means that they provide opportunities for further training, coaching, and mentoring to maximize the potential of each individual. At the same time, they encourage their team’s ability to make decisions and support their team beyond their work performance.
  10. Building a community: It is important for a servant leader to create a sense of community and belonging within the team. This creates cohesion and a good working atmosphere. Especially when teams are spread across different locations or only work together virtually, a servant leader ensures regular contact.

Advantages of servant leadership

The benefits of servant leadership for the team are obvious. The positive and supportive working environment created by a servant leader increases employee satisfaction as they feel valued and taken seriously. In addition, open communication and strong trust help them to work together effectively. Further training opportunities promote personal and professional growth and enable employees to expand their skills to new tasks.
Servant leadership also has numerous benefits for managers and the company. For example, the understanding and support shown to employees ensures that they trust their manager. This in turn strengthens the bond between individual team members and the manager, which is why the team is highly committed and staff turnover is low. For the company, this in turn means higher productivity and efficiency, a greater capacity for innovation, and a strong, positive corporate culture that is attractive to new talent.

Challenges and criticism

Servant leadership has numerous advantages but is not always easy to implement. In many companies with a more hierarchical structure, it means a major cultural adjustment that can be accompanied by resistance. Especially if a manager is not yet very familiar with their team, this leadership style also means a lot of time and commitment to building relationships, listening, and getting to know each other. This can be particularly difficult in hectic environments or projects with limited resources. In addition, critics of the leadership style argue that it is inefficient in situations where quick and decisive decisions are needed – partly because it can be difficult to find the right balance between servant and leader without losing sight of the leadership role or losing authority.


Servant leadership is becoming increasingly important, especially in agile project management, as this leadership style promotes flexibility, collaboration, and innovation by prioritizing the well-being and development of employees. Through the principles of empathy, active listening, and the promotion of personal growth, servant leadership creates a positive working environment that increases team satisfaction and productivity.

Modern leadership and project management software such as myPARM CorporateNavigator or myPARM ProjectManagement can help servant leaders implement their principles effectively. These tools create transparency, provide insight into real-time data, and simplify risk management. The integrated communication functions support the team and the manager in working together successfully. Targeted analyses and reports also enable managers to make well-founded decisions and thus optimally manage the strategy and long-term development of their employees, their projects, and their company.

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