da Natascha Schleutker | Giu 8, 2022 | Gestione progetti
Gantt-Diagramm So nutzen Sie das Gantt-Diagramm für einen klaren Überblick über Projekte Ein Gantt-Diagramm ist eine der gängigsten und effektivsten Methoden, um Aufgaben, Arbeitspakete, Teilprojekte, Phasen oder Projekte bzw. Programme im Projektmanagement...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mag 24, 2022 | Gestione progetti
This is how project managers choose an optimal project team A guide to help you select the right team members Projects are teamwork. Non-functioning teamwork is therefore a frequent reason for their failure. Therefore, it is wise to carefully select the members of the...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mag 18, 2022 | Gestione progetti, Italiano
4 consigli per progetti internazionali Questi sono gli aspetti che dovresti considerare per rendere il tuo progetto internazionale un successo A causa della globalizzazione i progetti internazionali non sono più una rarità. Le reti transnazionali, le situazioni...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mag 9, 2022 | Gestione progetti, Italiano
Feasibility Study So hilft Ihnen die Machbarkeitsstudie, Fehlinvestitionen zu vermeiden und die richtigen Projekte auszuwählen Ein umfassendes, komplexes Projekt ist immer sehr spannend. Auf der einen Seite verspricht die Durchführung grosse Erfolge, auf der anderen...
da Natascha Schleutker | Apr 27, 2022 | Gestione progetti
myPARM now reviewed by LeBihan Comparison in pmToofinder and on projektmagazin.de Choosing a suitable project management software is not an easy task, because there are countless options with different functions. Product research is facilitated by comparison portals...
da Natascha Schleutker | Apr 20, 2022 | Gestione progetti, Italiano
This is how project managers choose an optimal project team A guide to help you select the right team members Projects are teamwork. Non-functioning teamwork is therefore a frequent reason for their failure. Therefore, it is wise to carefully select the members of the...