myPARM now reviewed by LeBihan

Comparison in pmToofinder and on

Rating LeBihan

Choosing a suitable project management software is not an easy task, because there are countless options with different functions. Product research is facilitated by comparison portals that evaluate the various options on the basis of their functions as well as defined criteria and thus make them comparable. The pmToolfinder of LeBihan, which is also integrated in the software marketplace of, offers such a comparison option. We are pleased that myPARM has now also been evaluated by LeBihan.

This is how the evaluation works

LeBihan führt in regelmässigen Abständen mit den Herstellern von Projektmanagement-Software persönliche Assessments durch. Dabei wird die Software nach einem standardisierten System bewertet. Der umfangreiche Anforderungskatalog ist in folgende Phasen gegliedert:

• Allgemeine Features
• Projekte initiieren
• Projekte planen
• Projekte durchführen
• Projekte abschliessen
• Programm- und Portfoliomanagement

Die Ergebnisse sind gegliedert in Umfang und Rating. Mit dem Umfang ist die Funktionsbreite der Software gemeint, während das Rating die Qualität der Software bewertet. Auf diese Weise können Sie im Vergleich schnell erkennen, welche Software anhand Ihres Fokus auf bestimmte Funktionen zu Ihren Anforderungen passt.

Result of myPARM

According to LeBihan, the rating of myPARM is 87 per cent, which speaks for a very good quality of the software functions. The range of functions is currently at 77 per cent. The detailed result can be found here: pmToolfinder / projektmagazin

We are particularly proud of the rating in the area of “Platform & Administration”, which confirms the high flexibility and adaptability of myPARM. Our project management software also received 100 percent confirmation in the areas of “Project Structure Planning”, “Programme Management”, “Project Accounting” and “Portfolio Creation and Management”, both in terms of rating and scope.

We are happy that our software has received such a good rating. At the same time, however, we would like to use this opportunity to further develop our project management software, because the detailed assessment also shows us where myPARM still has potential and which further functions are interesting for our customers. So stay tuned for new developments from myPARM, for example in the area of agile project management.

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