da Natascha Schleutker | Lug 26, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Giu 28, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mag 16, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Gestione progetti, Italiano
SaaS oder On-Premise Welche Lösung ist besser? Obwohl On-Premise-Lösungen traditionell als zuverlässiger und sicherer gelten, hat die wachsende Beliebtheit von SaaS-Lösungen die Art und Weise verändert, wie Unternehmen Technologielösungen betrachten. Beide Optionen...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mag 3, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Apr 5, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Mar 8, 2023 | Business Intelligence
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...