da Natascha Schleutker | Dic 13, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Italiano, Gestione progetti
I dati sono come i fiocchi di neve: perché ogni dato è unico In inverno, guardando fuori dalla finestra in Svizzera, spesso assistiamo ai fiocchi di neve che cadono dolcemente. Quando raggiungono il suolo, ogni fiocco di neve ha intrapreso il suo viaggio unico...
da Natascha Schleutker | Nov 15, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Nov 7, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Gestione progetti
Sistema ERP, software di gestione dei progetti o entrambi? Come sfruttare le sinergia Una gestione efficace dei progetti e un utilizzo efficiente delle risorse svolgono un ruolo cruciale per le imprese che mirano a migliorare o sostenere la propria competitività....
da Natascha Schleutker | Ott 18, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Set 15, 2023 | Business Intelligence, Italiano
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...
da Natascha Schleutker | Ago 21, 2023 | Business Intelligence
Why you should invest in the data literacy of your employees What is data literacy and how should you invest in it? As a result of digitalisation, large amounts of data are collected almost everywhere or they are created as a by-product. This can be customer data...