Another BI software among others or more than just business intelligence?

Parm AG is expanding its product portfolio with a new business intelligence module. The new myPARM BIact helps solve business management tasks by evaluating company-relevant data and information and making it available in a user-friendly way. Intelligent analysis tools answer all the questions users ask in interactive dashboards. Reports can be visualised in the software at the touch of a button, in the level of detail required and from different perspectives. In this way, users maintain an overview of their data and can make informed decisions for their company.
Flexible integration
myPARM BIact can be flexibly integrated into the existing corporate structure. Decision-relevant data can be easily incorporated thanks to numerous interfaces and an integrated data warehouse. In addition, the data can be supplemented or commented on manually. Self-service BI allows easy access to all data while complying with data governance guidelines.
Intelligent Analytics
The powerful analysis tools make decision-relevant data visible and clearly understandable. This enables users to identify correlations and derive important insights from the data. In interactive dashboards, the data is visually prepared according to the customer’s wishes, so that users get a quick, intuitive overview. The integrated Report Designer helps to present data for reports in exactly the way that is optimal for the respective purposes. The built-in management information system, risk and opportunity analysis and intelligent forecasting also help users understand the analytics and make the right decisions.
Integrated control
However, making the right decision is no guarantee that implementation will also be optimal. This is precisely where myPARM BIact comes in. ”We wanted to develop BI software that doesn’t stop at making the right decisions, but immediately translates the findings into action. That’s why control is integrated into myPARM BIact,” explains Martin Sommer, CEO of Parm AG. This means that tasks can be planned and assigned to employees directly in the software. In addition, the status of these tasks can be monitored and reported back by the employees at any time. ”To ensure that the whole team has access to the necessary information, we have also built in a comment function and document management,” says Sommer. Furthermore, an alarm and early warning system is available that automatically informs in case of unforeseen events or exceeding of limit values. This allows users to react as quickly as possible to changed circumstances and adapt their actions.
>>The new myPARM BIactmodule is therefore not just a simple BI tool, but has been thought through further and is optimised for the control of actions.<<
Learn more about the Business Intelligence module myPARM BIact:
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